We are back with the week of August 30 Trainings for creatives. This week we have a few which you can watch whenever you have the time. Again, I am listing courses from CreativeLive. I believe it is a great resource for you.
Below is the current week of free classes:
Watch Anytime
Capture striking photography with iPhone Apple stores, pre-COVID had a series of classes you could take in their stores. Now they have started a short series of courses you can take online. This course is less than 3 minutes and shows ways to take, edit, and share photos using your iPhone. It is worth watching.
Is TikTok Useful to Artists in 2020? This video gives an overview of how to use TikTok for your creative business. Are you already using TikTok? We haven’t yet started one. How is yours going?
August 30
Build an Etsy Storefront Which Sells – Available for free on CreativeLive this day and on-demand for a fee after this date. If you are thinking of setting up a shop, this will give you tips on what you need to do to get started.
August 31
Smart PR for Artists and Entrepreneurs – Available for free on CreativeLive this day and on-demand for a fee after this date. Ryan Holiday presents this course, which is an older one, which goes in-depth into public relations. Although it is older class, it is still easily relatable to what is happening now.
Which of the above trainings for the week will you attend? We have already attending two and are in the middle of a couple of the online courses.
Do you have a favorite resource or a go-to place when you need to learn something? We would love to add it to our list and share additional training pieces with the artists and makers in our community.