Week of August 30 Trainings

We are back with the week of August 30 Trainings for creatives.  This week we have a few which you can watch whenever you have the time.  Again, I am listing courses from CreativeLive.  I believe it is a great resource for you.

Below is the current week of free classes:

Watch Anytime

Capture striking photography with iPhone  Apple stores, pre-COVID had a series of classes you could take in their stores. Now they have started a short series of courses you can take online. This course is less than 3 minutes and shows ways to take, edit, and share photos using your iPhone. It is worth watching. Continue reading “Week of August 30 Trainings”

Current Week Free Classes

Online Creative Resources

Who doesn’t love finding new resources and if they are free, even better! We are starting a new feature of weekly free or inexpensive classes, webinars, and fun things to do. This current week list of free classes is the first time we are doing this, so we welcome your input for courses you may be hosting or a favorite you would like to share with our community. Below is the current week of free classes:
Continue reading “Current Week Free Classes”